ADHD Parent Support Group
The ADHD Parent Support Group was founded in 2010 by Denise Vanden Engel. Denise’s Mission is to break the barriers that she knows all too well as a result of her own experience of growing up in a family with ADHD and chaos. Married at a young age and raising a family of four, she could see ADHD and many special needs in her own kids. This was when Denise started to reach out to other parents who knew exactly how she felt…frustrated…confused…and alone!
A video is coming soon to display the work in one place.

Logo to reflect on the mission which is "To Better the Lives of Children and Families Living with ADHD and Mental Health struggles.” The use of two hands (representing care) and the butterfly (to represent the metamorphosis of children during their growth stages) were utilised. In order to bring the emblem together with the name, we used a non-formal font that can signify more of a relaxed, note taking and experience-sharing organisation. The butterfly which is half-way out of the rounded rectangle represents the breaking away from boundaries.

Horizontal non-formal business card with enlarged logo at the front (followed with contact information) with Mission, Support, and Annual Event information at the back.

Created a large scale informational website to introduce ADHD Parent Support Group to Kingston and Surrounding areas.

Brochure, Flyers, Posters.
I’ve been working with Giter media since 2017. It all started with volunteer work. The commitment, dedication, and outstanding ideas Giter put into our community volunteer website/ FB was incredible. Giter’s commitment to children’s mental health is inspiring and ongoing!Denise Vanden Engel - Founder