Royal Antique Rugs
Royal Antique Rugs (RAR) is a century-old business, started and currently owned by the Lotfi family. We specialize in the buying, selling, cleaning and restoring of antique Oriental rugs, tapestries, aubusson or other hand-made woven items. Originally founded in Tehran, we relocated our headquarters to, and have been serving the greater Toronto area since 1996.
With this truly specialty service, Cindy (the Kingston store manager and rug specialist) was integral in providing all the necessary information for the rug descriptions (via online screen sharing) so that RAR's clients know exactly what they are looking at instead of just a plain photo.

Converted the original logo (an outlined) image of a rug into a vectorized logo that can be enlarged at any size without losing resolution.

Developed a comprehensive website featuring rare and distinctive rugs from all regions of the world. The website features a selection of Afghan, Anatolian, Caucasian, Chinese, European, Indian, Moroccan, Kurdish, Pakistani, Persian, Tibetan, Nepalese, and Turkish rugs. A wishlist is available for the visitors to easily keep track of their selections and email the list of interest to Royal Antique Rugs staff or to themselves.

Set up Facebook page to match the Royal Antique Rugs brand. The facebook page is managed by Royal Antique Rugs staff members.

Worked with Cindy on updating their existing material such as business cards, brochures, letterheads, invoices.
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